
This module/table contains all informations about the library.

Keys and Values

key type
ver string
author string
website string
documentation string
copyright string
nfp string
nft string
yai string

ver : string

This string contains the current version of the library. To compare two versions you can use the compare_versions function that's located in string_utils.

author : string

This string contains the name of the author of the library (He's a cool guy if you ask me °-°).

website : string

This string contains the URL to the library's Github repository.

documentation : string

This string contains the URL to the library's documentation.

This string contains the library's copyright notice.

nfp : string

This is the version of nfp files that is supported by the library.

nft : string

This is the version of nft files that is supported by the library.

yai : string

This is the version of yai (YAGUI IMAGE) files that is supported by the library.